3 Essential Steps to Peace of Mind

‘True happiness is based on peace.‘

Karo Wanner
5 min readApr 29, 2024
3 Essential Steps to Peace of Mind, What’s the key to peace of mind
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Imagine the ocean without waves, it would stand still and there would be little life on this planet. Strong ocean currents make this world the magnificent place it is — full of life and little wonders.

Zooming in on your life, it’s the same. Your life is a constant flow of ups and downs just like the waves.

As much as our planet needs the ocean currents, we need the ups and downs in life to take in all the human experience has to offer.

Our suffering is the key to personal growth and spiritual awakening. Every down is a valuable lesson to learn.

Only through suffering do you have change and self-improvement. — Naval Ravikant

We can’t always expect to be happy and excited — this sets you up for failure.

Chasing happiness means always searching for the next kick, the next excitement to finally feel better.

The new iPhone and the next adventure are short-lived forms of happiness. You just got what you wanted but it’s not enough. Your mind is already miles away planning the next dopamine hit.

Many people think excitement is happiness. But when you…



Karo Wanner

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